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Analysis Tools

CEO-Board Survey $500 (2 weeks)

This survey will analyze the dynamics between the board and the CEO as well as the organization's mission and policies. You will have 2 weeks of my services of which one will be online surveys and the other my analysis and report generation. I will then conference with the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair to explain the issues that may be hindering and/or benefiting your organization. I will provide a proposal to do additional work with your organization to assist and facilitate your growth. ​

CEO-Lead Team Survey $750 (3 weeks)

This survey will analyze the stage in the organization's lifecycle and the CEO-Team Dynamics. You will have 3 Weeks services of which one will be online surveys and the other my analysis and report generation. I will conference with the Executive Director/CEO and explain the stage/s your team feels your organization is at. I will provide a proposal to do additional work with your organization to assist and facilitate your growth to Prime.

Organizational Level Survey $1000 (4 weeks)

This survey will combine both the above surveys, analysis and reports. I will provide a proposal to do additional work with your organization to assist and facilitate your growth. 

Organizational & Funding Survey $2000 (2 months)

This survey will combine all the above surveys, analysis and reports with an additional overall fundraising analysis. I will provide a proposal to do additional work with your organization to assist and facilitate your growth as you desire. 

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